Forums - Super Turbo Honda. Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Super Turbo Honda. ( Posted by Iceman on 01:17:2001 02:01 AM: Help!!!! I don't have a clue where to start. Posted by Javi on 01:17:2001 02:15 AM: As a Honda player, I think I can help you out, even though you do not give me much to work with. First off: Honda is a freaking TANK. He can go toe to toe with just about anyone in ST, and usually gets the upper hand. When you headbutt, try to use the jab version. It is practically invincible at the start, and there is nothing (short of supers) that can beat it. Buttslam: Use this in order to gain ground on your opponents. He is hard to hit on the way up, and hard to counter on the way down. Ochio Throw: This is your best friend. Do not leave home without it. More to come later. Posted by Iceman on 01:17:2001 05:54 AM: Thanks Javi. I realize I didn't leave you with much to work with. How's this? What is Honda's Anti-Air? And should you play an offensive Honda or Turtle. Well, I'm guessing offense since he has no projectile. Posted by GemInite on 01:17:2001 06:02 AM: I think a standing fierce works well with honda for anti air. Posted by Overdrive on 01:17:2001 08:24 PM: You want to use the jab-headbutt for anti-air. If you're not charged, use standing fierce (pork chop). Honda is to be used offensively. Once you get in, just mix up fierce hundred-hand slaps, buttslams, and fierce headbutts. All of these are safe if blocked and do block damage. The only way to stop these moves in reversing them with a DP or FK (which will require some anticipation). So, just find a way to cycle through them without being predictable. You can also mix in throws... If you knock them down, go for a crossup splash (d+forward kick) and tick into Ohicho throw (hcb + p). Almost 99% of the time, any hit after an Ohicho throw is a dizzy. I like to do a fierce hundred-hand slap because if they block it, it does a ton of chip damage and if they get hit, it's a dizzy. The problem is that Honda has trouble getting in. No sweep guard (can't block as you're landing from a jump) makes it hard for him to jump over fireballs safely. But he does have ways to get past them... jump straight up fierce can be "floated" forwards or backwards (hold forward or back as you hit fierce). His forward buttslam also goes through fireballs, but be careful of range as you can be swept as you land. Jumping splash also beats a lot of anti-air normals (but not DPs or FKs, of course). Posted by Javi on 01:18:2001 03:48 AM: Other things to note: The Ochio can be "stored". Which means, you can perform the motion, then hold back or down-back to keep it in storage. This is a good way to avoid ticks. Also, Honda's super can be stored, so long as you keep pressing forward... this is good to anticipate jump-ins, or a projectile. Certain character matchups coming soon... Posted by Iceman on 01:18:2001 06:41 AM: Thanks Javi. I've been playing mad Honda on CvS and SF2:HF. Unfortunatly I don't get to play ST too often. Posted by Monkey on 01:18:2001 06:57 PM: I have never played ST, so I dunno -Monkey Posted by Masaka on 01:18:2001 09:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman: Unfortunatly I don't get to play ST too often. I hear there's a ST machine somewhere in blacksburg.... [This message has been edited by Masaka (edited 01-18-2001).] Posted by Iceman on 01:19:2001 12:14 PM: I think I'm within 5 miles of it. I hope I don't catch a cold All times are GMT. The time now is 12:48 AM. Show all 10 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.